World Tour 004-Juneau to Calgary – Alaska-Western Canada

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Stage 4 of our trip takes us through parts of Alaska’s Alexander Archipelago and Inside Passage, before heading into British Columbia and the stunning beauty of western Canada

See trip in Skyvector

Total Legs: 25 Total Distance: 1425 Total Time(125kts): 11 hours 24 minutes

Leg 1

Flying from PAJN

Leg Distance: 30.8 Approximate time at 125kts: 15 minutes.

See leg in Skyvector

PAJN(PAJN) to Admiralty Island(POI1)

Distance: 11.82NM Bearing: 219° 6 minutes

Fly southwest after takeoff and head across the channel and across Admiralty Island beyond it. Fly between the two peaks and you will be over a bay at the opposite side of the island

Admiralty Island(POI1) to Icy Strait(POI2)

Distance: 15.05NM Bearing: 219° 7 minutes

Continue southwest across the waters of Lynn Canal and Icy Strait. Aim to overfly the tip of Point Couverden which juts out into the water ahead, and then towards the flat area of land to the left of the headland across the strait

Icy Strait(POI2) to PAOH(PAOH)

Distance: 3.93NM Bearing: 239° 2 minutes

Turning slightly to the right as you approach the land you should see Hoonah airport ahead at the base of the mountain

Leg 2

Flying from PAOH

Leg Distance: 73.23 Approximate time at 125kts: 35 minutes.

See leg in Skyvector

PAOH(PAOH) to Port Frederick(POI3)

Distance: 4.33NM Bearing: 233° 2 minutes

Head southwest into the channel of Port Frederick, then turn left and follow it to the south

Port Frederick(POI3) to The Narrows(POI4)

Distance: 6.48NM Bearing: 196° 3 minutes

Just after the point where the channel narrows, turn left to the southeast and along the land valley ahead

The Narrows(POI4) to Tenakee Inlet(POI5)

Distance: 5.59NM Bearing: 133° 3 minutes

Fly southeast along the valley until it reaches the waters of Tenakee Inlet at the other end

Tenakee Inlet(POI5) to Moore Mountains(POI6)

Distance: 14.61NM Bearing: 163° 7 minutes

Once over water, head directly south and gain enough altitude to pass over the Moore Mountains ahead

Moore Mountains(POI6) to Peril Strait(POI7)

Distance: 11.99NM Bearing: 157° 6 minutes

Once over the mountains, you will be flying over Hoonah Sound. Continue ahead to the south, there should be a large bay which narrows into a channel at its south end

Peril Strait(POI7) to Kakul Narrows(POI8)

Distance: 7.76NM Bearing: 202° 4 minutes

Keep following the channel as it widens out to the southwest. We will continue past a large inlet to the left before the channel narrows again. As the channel opens out into the open waters of Salisbury Sound, there will be another channel to the left. Fly southeast along this channel

Kakul Narrows(POI8) to Neva Strait(POI9)

Distance: 4.34NM Bearing: 126° 2 minutes

Continue southeast along Neva Strait as it passes to the left of the large island in the center, Partofshikof Island

Neva Strait(POI9) to Neva Point(POI10)

Distance: 4.68NM Bearing: 132° 2 minutes

Keep following Neva Strait as it curves slightly to the right around the island before entering open waters at the other end

Neva Point(POI10) to Olga Strait(POI11)

Distance: 4.94NM Bearing: 117° 2 minutes

Ahead and slightly to the left you will see another channel cutting through the mountains. Fly southeast along this channel

Olga Strait(POI11) to Kasiana Islands(POI12)

Distance: 6.4NM Bearing: 152° 3 minutes

Once you pass through the channel, turn south over the open waters of Sitka Sound. Fly over the low lying islands, keeping the larger, hillier Middle Island to your right

Kasiana Islands(POI12) to PASI(PASI)

Distance: 2.11NM Bearing: 117° 1 minutes

Once you pass most of the smaller islands, you should see Sitka Airport sitting on a flat island to your left

Leg 3

Flying from PASI

Leg Distance: 50.19 Approximate time at 125kts: 24 minutes.

See leg in Skyvector

PASI(PASI) to Sugarloaf Mountain(POI13)

Distance: 4.09NM Bearing: 97° 2 minutes

After clearing the islands to the south of Sitka Airport, turn east you should see the volcano shaped Sugarloaf Mountain poking out of the water ahead. Pass to the right (south) side of the mountain

Sugarloaf Mountain(POI13) to Bear Cove(POI14)

Distance: 3.15NM Bearing: 77° 2 minutes

Continuing east, you'll enter another small channel with some imposing mountains on the other side. Start climbing as you head for the gap in the mountains and then turn northeast into the narrow valley

Bear Cove(POI14) to Mount Bassie(POI15)

Distance: 3.15NM Bearing: 48° 2 minutes

Continue climbing as you fly towards the mountain pass ahead, and between the two peaks

Mount Bassie(POI15) to Baranof Lake(POI16)

Distance: 8.49NM Bearing: 50° 4 minutes

After the mountain pass, descend as you fly northeast along the valley towards the large lake at its end, Baranof Lake

Baranof Lake(POI16) to Chatham Strait(POI17)

Distance: 11.03NM Bearing: 91° 5 minutes

Once you pass Baranof Lake and emerge from the valley into open water, turn to the right and across to the thin slivers of land that form the southern end of Admiralty Island

Chatham Strait(POI17) to Frederick Sound(POI18)

Distance: 17.18NM Bearing: 79° 8 minutes

Once you pass the series of inlets and islands, continue east across the waters of Frederick Sound towards the western shore of Kupreanof Island

Frederick Sound(POI18) to PAFE(PAFE)

Distance: 3.1NM Bearing: 113° 1 minutes

Turn right upon reaching the shore and the town of Kake with its airport should be ahead, just near the shore

Leg 4

Flying from PAFE

Leg Distance: 35.28 Approximate time at 125kts: 17 minutes.

See leg in Skyvector

PAFE(PAFE) to Hamilton Bay(POI19)

Distance: 5.76NM Bearing: 117° 3 minutes

Head southeast along the coast from Kake and you will shortly come to a bay narrowing to a river at its east end

Hamilton Bay(POI19) to Duncan Canal(POI20)

Distance: 13.13NM Bearing: 83° 6 minutes

Following the bay and the river to the east, fly across the lowlands between the hills towards the small lake. From here, turn to the southeast and head for the bay which leads to Duncan Canal

Duncan Canal(POI20) to Duncan Creek(POI21)

Distance: 6.86NM Bearing: 112° 3 minutes

Once you start along the bay, a valley on its left shore will quickly open up to the east. Head down the valley

Duncan Creek(POI21) to PAPG(PAPG)

Distance: 9.53NM Bearing: 64° 5 minutes

Once you pass through the valley, the town of Petersburg and the airport should be visible straight ahead

Leg 5

Flying from PAPG

Leg Distance: 31.44 Approximate time at 125kts: 15 minutes.

See leg in Skyvector

PAPG(PAPG) to Horn Cliffs(POI22)

Distance: 8.37NM Bearing: 74° 4 minutes

After takeoff, head east across Frederick Sound to the opposite shore

Horn Cliffs(POI22) to Mallard Slough(POI23)

Distance: 7NM Bearing: 113° 3 minutes

Turn to the southeast and follow the shore. Continue over the small island and then over the marshlands of Mallard Slough

Mallard Slough(POI23) to Dry Island(POI24)

Distance: 4.84NM Bearing: 131° 2 minutes

Turn slightly more south and continue on over the river entrance and then some more river wetlands between the two mountain islands of Dry Island and Farm Island

Dry Island(POI24) to Kadin Island(POI25)

Distance: 8.67NM Bearing: 157° 4 minutes

After you pass between the mountains, turn south and head for the left side of the island that sits in the middle of the bay ahead

Kadin Island(POI25) to PAWG(PAWG)

Distance: 2.56NM Bearing: 104° 1 minutes

As you pass the island, the town of Wrangell will be just to your left, with the airport running along the shoreline

Leg 6

Flying from PAWG

Leg Distance: 68.77 Approximate time at 125kts: 33 minutes.

See leg in Skyvector

PAWG(PAWG) to Woronkofski Island(POI26)

Distance: 7.76NM Bearing: 221° 4 minutes

Head southwest from Wrangell across the bay and past the northern end of the large island ahead

Woronkofski Island(POI26) to Stikine Strait(POI27)

Distance: 9.54NM Bearing: 174° 5 minutes

Head south as you round the island and follow Stikine Strait to its southern coast. You should be heading towards a large "W" shaped valley entrance due to the hill at its center. Continue south into the valley

Stikine Strait(POI27) to Mosman Inlet(POI28)

Distance: 10.8NM Bearing: 148° 5 minutes

As the mountains steepen on the sides of the valley, the waters of Mosman Inlet will appear – continue following until the inlet opens out into the bay

Mosman Inlet(POI28) to Luck Lake(POI29)

Distance: 10.67NM Bearing: 203° 5 minutes

Once you enter the bay, turn southwest over the group of small islands and across the bay. You will see another valley ahead with a lake at its center

Luck Lake(POI29) to Luck Creek(POI30)

Distance: 4.38NM Bearing: 180° 2 minutes

Enter the valley and follow the lake as it makes a dog-leg turn to the left. At the end of the lake the valley will fork, take the right fork

Luck Creek(POI30) to Prince of Wales Island(POI31)

Distance: 8.13NM Bearing: 132° 4 minutes

After the fork, there will be another choice of valleys. Ignore the one heading west and fly southeast down the narrower valley

Prince of Wales Island(POI31) to Big Salt Lake(POI32)

Distance: 12.28NM Bearing: 214° 6 minutes

Once you clear the valley, turn to the southwest and across the lowlands to meet the small highway ahead which will lead you to another inlet called Big Salt Lake

Big Salt Lake(POI32) to PAKW(PAKW)

Distance: 5.21NM Bearing: 209° 3 minutes

Just ahead and to the left you should see the airport, just to the other side of a group of hills

Leg 7

Flying from PAKW

Leg Distance: 51.49 Approximate time at 125kts: 25 minutes.

See leg in Skyvector

PAKW(PAKW) to Klawock Lake(POI33)

Distance: 11.25NM Bearing: 115° 5 minutes

Head southeast from the airport and fly along the length of Klawock Lake, then follow the road from the lake's end

Klawock Lake(POI33) to Harris River(POI34)

Distance: 6.29NM Bearing: 63° 3 minutes

Turn east where the road forks and follow it as it leads through the small valley alongside the Harris River

Harris River(POI34) to Grindall Island(POI35)

Distance: 17.26NM Bearing: 76° 8 minutes

Where the river empties into the waters of Twelvemile Arm, continue east over the mountain and the lower terrain beyond. Once you're over the water again, head for the outcrop of land ahead, and the small island at its south end

Grindall Island(POI35) to Tongass Narrows(POI36)

Distance: 10.16NM Bearing: 78° 5 minutes

Keep heading east across Clarence Strait, then once you get closer to the coast on the other side you will see the waters of Tongass Narrows to the right. Turn southeast and fly along the right edge of the water

Tongass Narrows(POI36) to PAKT(PAKT)

Distance: 6.53NM Bearing: 118° 3 minutes

Ketchikan Airport is ahead on the right side of the bay, with the town across the water on the left

Leg 8

Flying from PAKT

Leg Distance: 80.87 Approximate time at 125kts: 39 minutes.

See leg in Skyvector

PAKT(PAKT) to Mountain Point(POI37)

Distance: 6.81NM Bearing: 108° 3 minutes

After Takeoff, head southeast along the island at the centre of the narrows.

Mountain Point(POI37) to Bold Island(POI38)

Distance: 13.35NM Bearing: 100° 6 minutes

Continue southeast, past the small town of Mountain Point to your left and over the lake filled island of Bold Island. Then continue southeast towards the outcrop of flat land ahead and slightly to the left

Bold Island(POI38) to Revillagigedo Channel(POI39)

Distance: 8.99NM Bearing: 122° 4 minutes

Continue southeast across the water to towards the coastline ahead

Revillagigedo Channel(POI39) to Cape Fox(POI40)

Distance: 19.09NM Bearing: 146° 9 minutes

Follow the flat coastal area south to its southern most point of Cape Fox

Cape Fox(POI40) to Dundas Island(POI41)

Distance: 9.89NM Bearing: 138° 5 minutes

From Cape Fox, turn slight south and head across the water to the tip of Dundas Island, the large island to the south

Dundas Island(POI41) to CYPR(CYPR)

Distance: 22.74NM Bearing: 133° 11 minutes

After reaching Dundas Island, turn slightly back to the left and head across the bay where you should soon make out the town of Prince Rupert ahead, with the airport sitting on the outer edge of the large island to it's west

Leg 9

Flying from CYPR

Leg Distance: 74.97 Approximate time at 125kts: 36 minutes.

See leg in Skyvector

CYPR(CYPR) to Lelu Island(POI42)

Distance: 7.76NM Bearing: 117° 4 minutes

Head southeast from Prince Rupert and you will shortly pass the industrial area and shipping terminal of Port Edward. Just after there, still continuing southeast, you will see the Inverness Passage cutting its way between the mountains

Lelu Island(POI42) to Skeena River(POI43)

Distance: 8.34NM Bearing: 101° 4 minutes

Once you pass through Inverness Passage you will enter a larger bay which is the head of the Skeena River. Turn left and follow it northeast

Skeena River(POI43) to Skeena River(POI44)

Distance: 10.08NM Bearing: 37° 5 minutes

Follow the wide river valley northeast

Skeena River(POI44) to Skeena River(POI45)

Distance: 8.37NM Bearing: 91° 4 minutes

Continue along the river as it turns to the east

Skeena River(POI45) to Skeena River(POI46)

Distance: 14.95NM Bearing: 38° 7 minutes

The river will turn to the northeast as it narrows

Skeena River(POI46) to CYXT(CYXT)

Distance: 25.47NM Bearing: 53° 12 minutes

The river will continue winding its way through the valley northeast, eventually opening out before the town of Terrace. The airport is just to the south of the town

Leg 10

Flying from CYXT

Leg Distance: 64.02 Approximate time at 125kts: 31 minutes.

See leg in Skyvector

CYXT(CYXT) to Zymoetz River(POI47)

Distance: 5.64NM Bearing: 19° 3 minutes

After takeoff, meet up with the river north of the airport and follow it northeast where it will head back into a valley. As you pass the first mountain to your right, a smaller river valley will lead to the east. Turn right into this valley and follow the smaller Zymoetz River

Zymoetz River(POI47) to Zymoetz River(POI48)

Distance: 16.16NM Bearing: 91° 8 minutes

Keep following the river as it twists southeast through the valley. There should also be a power line clearing following the valley

Zymoetz River(POI48) to Zymoetz River(POI49)

Distance: 4.06NM Bearing: 54° 2 minutes

Continue along the river as it turns to the northeast and heads towards the larger mountains

Zymoetz River(POI49) to Limonite Creek(POI50)

Distance: 3.49NM Bearing: 10° 2 minutes

The river will turn sharply north. Follow it briefly until you see a smaller creek (and the powerlines) heading through a steep valley to the east. Turn right through the valley

Limonite Creek(POI50) to Telkwa River(POI51)

Distance: 14.31NM Bearing: 52° 7 minutes

Follow the creek through the valley where it will pass through a couple of lakes before the valley opens out and follows the Telkwa River, heading northeast

Telkwa River(POI51) to Telkwa River(POI52)

Distance: 6.92NM Bearing: 67° 3 minutes

Keep following the river (or the powerlines) until they cross paths where the land flattens out more

Telkwa River(POI52) to Smithers(POI53)

Distance: 10.46NM Bearing: 10° 5 minutes

From the intersection of the river and the powerlines, you can now turn northeast directly towards the town of Smithers, as the land between has lowered in elevation

Smithers(POI53) to CYYD(CYYD)

Distance: 2.98NM Bearing: 333° 1 minutes

Head north from the town and the airport is just a couple of miles ahead

Leg 11

Flying from CYYD

Leg Distance: 59.14 Approximate time at 125kts: 28 minutes.

See leg in Skyvector

CYYD(CYYD) to Babine Mountains(POI54)

Distance: 13.74NM Bearing: 73° 7 minutes

Heading east from Smithers Airport, you will be heading towards the southern peaks of the Babine Mountains. Gain enough altitude to negotiate your way through these, after which you can descend to meet and then follow the highway heading northeast

Babine Mountains(POI54) to Babine Lake(POI55)

Distance: 21.61NM Bearing: 41° 10 minutes

The highway will take you past the south edge of Chapman lake before heading towards some hills in the distance. As the road turns away, continue over the hills and towards the large quarry at the other side of the much larger Babine Lake.

Babine Lake(POI55) to Takla Lake(POI56)

Distance: 19.34NM Bearing: 47° 9 minutes

From the quarry you should see a smaller L-shaped lake ahead. Follow the lake as it points the way east to the larger Takla Lake

Takla Lake(POI56) to CAH5(CAH5)

Distance: 4.45NM Bearing: 91° 2 minutes

Once you reach the Y-shaped Takla lake, you may see a small airstrip ahead at the join in the Y, but turn southeast and head across to the lake's far shore where it will shortly lead us to the larger Leo Creek airstrip

Leg 12

Flying from CAH5

Leg Distance: 63.87 Approximate time at 125kts: 31 minutes.

See leg in Skyvector

CAH5(CAH5) to Trembleur Lake(POI57)

Distance: 24.34NM Bearing: 114° 12 minutes

Head southeast along the length of the lake, where it will soon narrow into a river. Follow the river southeast until it reaches the large Trembleur Lake

Trembleur Lake(POI57) to Stuart Lake(POI58)

Distance: 18.17NM Bearing: 119° 9 minutes

Looking southeast across the lake's opposite shore, you will see another river continuing the journey in the same direction towards the next large lake, Stuart Lake

Stuart Lake(POI58) to CYJM(CYJM)

Distance: 21.36NM Bearing: 114° 10 minutes

Continue southeast along the length of Stuart Lake where it will end at the town of Fort St James. Another river will lead south from the town and towards the airport, a couple of miles from the lake's southern shore

Leg 13

Flying from CYJM

Leg Distance: 65.66 Approximate time at 125kts: 32 minutes.

See leg in Skyvector

CYJM(CYJM) to Stuart River(POI59)

Distance: 29.81NM Bearing: 102° 14 minutes

After takeoff, follow the river south, then southeast as it meanders through the countryside

Stuart River(POI59) to Isle Pierre(POI60)

Distance: 15.03NM Bearing: 121° 7 minutes

At the point where the river turns sharply and disappears south, cut southeast and you should pass the medium sized Saxton lake, before meeting up with the Nechako river as it continues southeast

Isle Pierre(POI60) to Prince George(POI61)

Distance: 16.53NM Bearing: 82° 8 minutes

Continue following the river as it twists and turns its way east towards the town of Prince George

Prince George(POI61) to CYXS(CYXS)

Distance: 4.29NM Bearing: 106° 2 minutes

From the town, the airport sits just to the southeast on the other side of the river

Leg 14

Flying from CYXS

Leg Distance: 64.38 Approximate time at 125kts: 31 minutes.

See leg in Skyvector

CYXS(CYXS) to Willow River(POI62)

Distance: 17.63NM Bearing: 107° 8 minutes

Fly southeast from Prince George and you will meet a road and river heading into a shallow, wide valley

Willow River(POI62) to Stoney Lake(POI63)

Distance: 20.63NM Bearing: 128° 10 minutes

Keeps following the river as it winds its way to the southeast, where eventually it will lead you to a long lake, called Stony Lake

Stoney Lake(POI63) to Two Sisters Mountain(POI64)

Distance: 18.28NM Bearing: 124° 9 minutes

Fly along to the other end of the lake and its two smaller companions, then turning slightly to the right, head for the tall twin peaked Two Sisters Mountain roughly 15 miles ahead. As you get closer to the mountain, aim for the valley to it's right side

Two Sisters Mountain(POI64) to CAS3(CAS3)

Distance: 7.84NM Bearing: 139° 4 minutes

Flying along the valley for a few miles, you should see a small quarry area ahead. From there, Barkerville airstrip is directly south, hiding between the hills

Leg 15

Flying from CAS3

Leg Distance: 37.77 Approximate time at 125kts: 18 minutes.

See leg in Skyvector

CAS3(CAS3) to Matthew Valley Road(POI65)

Distance: 9.72NM Bearing: 121° 5 minutes

Fly southeast from Barkerville and follow the road which winds its way along the valleys southeast

Matthew Valley Road(POI65) to Ishpa Mountain(POI66)

Distance: 10.73NM Bearing: 71° 5 minutes

The road will soon take a tight turn to the east. When it does, turn east towards the tall peaks ahead

Ishpa Mountain(POI66) to Matthew River(POI67)

Distance: 5.37NM Bearing: 122° 3 minutes

Before you reach the mountain, you will see a lake valley to its left (northeast), and a valley with a river and road to the right, heading southeast. Turn southeast and follow the river valley

Matthew River(POI67) to Quesnel Lake(POI68)

Distance: 7.58NM Bearing: 126° 4 minutes

Follow the river and road southeast, keeping the taller mountains to your left. The river will eventually turn south and meet Quesnel Lake

Quesnel Lake(POI68) to Quesnel Lake(POI69)

Distance: 2.55NM Bearing: 156° 1 minutes

Fly to the point where the river meet the lake then start a left turn for the airfield

Quesnel Lake(POI69) to CYWB(CYWB)

Distance: 1.82NM Bearing: 75° 1 minutes

The airfield sits about half way up the mountain slope, tucked in behind a hill

Leg 16

Flying from CYWB

Leg Distance: 60.41 Approximate time at 125kts: 29 minutes.

See leg in Skyvector

CYWB(CYWB) to Quesnel Lake(POI70)

Distance: 15.83NM Bearing: 207° 8 minutes

After takeoff, head back to the southwest and follow the lake

Quesnel Lake(POI70) to Horsefly Lake(POI71)

Distance: 11.02NM Bearing: 165° 5 minutes

When you reach Quesnel Lake's T intersection, head south directly across the lake. You'll pass a small airstrip on the south shore before flying over land for another few miles where you will reach another long lake, Horsefly Lake

Horsefly Lake(POI71) to Horsefly Lake(POI72)

Distance: 9.81NM Bearing: 249° 5 minutes

Turn right and follow Horsefly lake west along its length. When you near the end of the lake, turn back to the south

Horsefly Lake(POI72) to Murphy Lake(POI73)

Distance: 18.03NM Bearing: 165° 9 minutes

Heading south you will soon come to the end of another long lake which leads off to the left. Turn to the southeast and follow the lake

Murphy Lake(POI73) to CDC5(CDC5)

Distance: 5.72NM Bearing: 117° 3 minutes

You should soon be able to make out the airstrip, sitting at the southern shore of the lake

Leg 17

Flying from CDC5

Leg Distance: 59.48 Approximate time at 125kts: 29 minutes.

See leg in Skyvector

CDC5(CDC5) to Lang Lake(POI74)

Distance: 8.8NM Bearing: 100° 4 minutes

Just southeast of the airport is a smaller elongated lake called Lang Lake. Head to its eastern end

Lang Lake(POI74) to Canim Lake(POI75)

Distance: 8.49NM Bearing: 110° 4 minutes

Head southeast to the next large lake, Canim Lake

Canim Lake(POI75) to Mahood Lake(POI76)

Distance: 11.11NM Bearing: 68° 5 minutes

Fly east along the length of Canim Lake, then to the next lake, Mahood Lake

Mahood Lake(POI76) to Mahood River(POI77)

Distance: 10.26NM Bearing: 56° 5 minutes

Fly along the length of the lake as it heads east. At it's end it will meet up with the river flowing to the southeast. Turn to the left and follow the river

Mahood River(POI77) to Clearwater River(POI78)

Distance: 9.88NM Bearing: 114° 5 minutes

The river will meet with the Clearwater River and curve its way around to the south

Clearwater River(POI78) to Clearwater River(POI79)

Distance: 8.63NM Bearing: 162° 4 minutes

Continue following the river as it heads south towards the town of Clearwater

Clearwater River(POI79) to CCW1(CCW1)

Distance: 2.31NM Bearing: 203° 1 minutes

As the town appears at the valley junction, the river will lead you southwest straight to the airfield

Leg 18

Flying from CCW1

Leg Distance: 56.67 Approximate time at 125kts: 27 minutes.

See leg in Skyvector

CCW1(CCW1) to Vavenby(POI80)

Distance: 13.63NM Bearing: 94° 7 minutes

Head east over the town and into the large valley beyond, where the river, highway and railway will all lead the way

Vavenby(POI80) to North Thompson River(POI81)

Distance: 6.2NM Bearing: 15° 3 minutes

Continue along the valley as it turns northeast

North Thompson River(POI81) to North Thompson River(POI82)

Distance: 7.93NM Bearing: 73° 4 minutes

They valley will continue east

North Thompson River(POI82) to Avola(POI83)

Distance: 10.52NM Bearing: 13° 5 minutes

Stay with the valley as it turns to the north and past the town of Avola

Avola(POI83) to North Thompson River(POI84)

Distance: 9.06NM Bearing: 331° 4 minutes

Continue north along the valley

North Thompson River(POI84) to CYCP(CYCP)

Distance: 9.33NM Bearing: 357° 4 minutes

The valley will open out at the town of Blue River. The airport is just at the other side of town, running alongside the highway

Leg 19

Flying from CYCP

Leg Distance: 48.25 Approximate time at 125kts: 23 minutes.

See leg in Skyvector

CYCP(CYCP) to North Thompson River(POI85)

Distance: 9.97NM Bearing: 10° 5 minutes

Head northwest, then continue along the valley as it curls around to the north

North Thompson River(POI85) to CA-5(POI86)

Distance: 18.95NM Bearing: 353° 9 minutes

Continue north along the valley. The North Thompson River will disappear west in to another valley, continue following the highway north

CA-5(POI86) to CA-5(POI87)

Distance: 10.64NM Bearing: 306° 5 minutes

Keep following the highway through the valley as it turns to the northwest

CA-5(POI87) to Valemount(POI88)

Distance: 4.17NM Bearing: 352° 2 minutes

The highway will turn north again towards the town of Valemount, which sits in a wider valley

Valemount(POI88) to CAH4(CAH4)

Distance: 4.52NM Bearing: 305° 2 minutes

Once you see the town, turn to the left and you should see the airfield at the edge of the valley

Leg 20

Flying from CAH4

Leg Distance: 75.41 Approximate time at 125kts: 36 minutes.

See leg in Skyvector

CAH4(CAH4) to Kinbasket Lake(POI89)

Distance: 7.95NM Bearing: 110° 4 minutes

After takeoff, head southeast over the town towards the lake

Kinbasket Lake(POI89) to Kinbasket Lake(POI90)

Distance: 14.73NM Bearing: 122° 7 minutes

Head southeast along Kinbasket Lake, which is a reservoir created by the Mica Dam and runs over 100 miles in length

Kinbasket Lake(POI90) to Kinbasket Lake(POI91)

Distance: 26.76NM Bearing: 130° 13 minutes

Continue along the lake as it heads southeast

Kinbasket Lake(POI91) to Kinbasket Lake(POI92)

Distance: 5.81NM Bearing: 160° 3 minutes

You eventually come to an open area of the lake where all of the arms of the lake meet

Kinbasket Lake(POI92) to Mica Dam(POI93)

Distance: 6.83NM Bearing: 210° 3 minutes

Turn right and head southwest over Mica Dam. The river will continue south from there

Mica Dam(POI93) to Columbia River(POI94)

Distance: 9.13NM Bearing: 159° 4 minutes

Follow the river south through the valley

Columbia River(POI94) to CA28(CA28)

Distance: 4.2NM Bearing: 195° 2 minutes

The river will turn to the southwest just before it narrows at a wedge shaped point of land which houses the airstrip

Leg 21

Flying from CA28

Leg Distance: 58.98 Approximate time at 125kts: 28 minutes.

See leg in Skyvector

CA28(CA28) to Columbia River(POI95)

Distance: 4.59NM Bearing: 190° 2 minutes

After takeoff, follow the Columbia River south through the valley

Columbia River(POI95) to Columbia River(POI96)

Distance: 10.91NM Bearing: 149° 5 minutes

Continue south along the river

Columbia River(POI96) to Lake Revelstoke(POI97)

Distance: 9.95NM Bearing: 132° 5 minutes

Stay along the river as it widens out at Lake Revelstoke and continues south

Lake Revelstoke(POI97) to Lake Revelstoke(POI98)

Distance: 5.58NM Bearing: 149° 3 minutes

Follow the lake as it turns to the southeast

Lake Revelstoke(POI98) to Lake Revelstoke(POI99)

Distance: 8.05NM Bearing: 115° 4 minutes

Continue along the lake as it turns back to the south

Lake Revelstoke(POI99) to Lake Revelstoke(POIA0)

Distance: 12.64NM Bearing: 152° 6 minutes

Keep following the lake

Lake Revelstoke(POIA0) to Revelstoke(POIA1)

Distance: 2.87NM Bearing: 197° 1 minutes

The lake will eventually turn southwest and narrow back into the Columbia river just north of the town of Revelstoke

Revelstoke(POIA1) to CYRV(CYRV)

Distance: 4.39NM Bearing: 147° 2 minutes

The river will lead you past the town and to the airport at its south

Leg 22

Flying from CYRV

Leg Distance: 74.66 Approximate time at 125kts: 36 minutes.

See leg in Skyvector

CYRV(CYRV) to Illecillewaet River(POIA2)

Distance: 2.07NM Bearing: 20° 1 minutes

Just north of the airport, before the main part of town, you'll see a small river heading east into a valley along with the railway and highway. Head east into the valley

Illecillewaet River(POIA2) to Trans Canada Highway(POIA3)

Distance: 9.11NM Bearing: 50° 4 minutes

Continue along the valley as it turns northeast

Trans Canada Highway(POIA3) to Albert Canyon(POIA4)

Distance: 5.5NM Bearing: 9° 3 minutes

The valley will turn more to the east as it opens up at the town of Albert Canyon, then continue northeast

Albert Canyon(POIA4) to Trans Canada Highway(POIA5)

Distance: 9.92NM Bearing: 38° 5 minutes

Keep following the highway northeast through the valley

Trans Canada Highway(POIA5) to Glacier(POIA6)

Distance: 6.13NM Bearing: 55° 3 minutes

Keep following the highway all the way to the end of the valley, where the railway will disappear into the Connaught Tunnel, and turn north along with the highway

Glacier(POIA6) to Rogers Pass(POIA7)

Distance: 2.34NM Bearing: 331° 1 minutes

The highway will briefly head north before turning east near Rogers Pass

Rogers Pass(POIA7) to Trans Canada Highway(POIA8)

Distance: 4.17NM Bearing: 45° 2 minutes

The highway will head east before turning north into another valley

Trans Canada Highway(POIA8) to Heather Mountain(POIA9)

Distance: 8.79NM Bearing: 329° 4 minutes

Keep following the road as it heads north, with the summit of Heather Mountain to the right

Heather Mountain(POIA9) to Kinbasket Lake(POIAA)

Distance: 3.22NM Bearing: 28° 2 minutes

Stay with the highway as it turns right and curves around the base of Heather Mountain

Kinbasket Lake(POIAA) to Columbia River(POIAB)

Distance: 11.54NM Bearing: 91° 6 minutes

The highway will head southeast where it will soon be met by the Columbia River and turn further to the south

Columbia River(POIAB) to CYGE(CYGE)

Distance: 11.87NM Bearing: 136° 6 minutes

Follow the river down to the town of Golden. The airport is wedged in between the river and the town

Leg 23

Flying from CYGE

Leg Distance: 74.24 Approximate time at 125kts: 36 minutes.

See leg in Skyvector

CYGE(CYGE) to Kicking Horse River(POIAC)

Distance: 4.1NM Bearing: 73° 2 minutes

From Golden, head east and follow the small river into the valley, which will then turn to the southeast

Kicking Horse River(POIAC) to Trans Canada Highway(POIAD)

Distance: 12.69NM Bearing: 105° 6 minutes

Follow the river and the Trans Canada Highway as they head southeast along the valley. It will soon open out into a larger valley where the highway will take a sharp turn to the north. Turn north with the highway

Trans Canada Highway(POIAD) to Trans Canada Highway(POIAE)

Distance: 8.16NM Bearing: 346° 4 minutes

Head north with the highway and follow it as it turns northeast where the valley widens

Trans Canada Highway(POIAE) to Field(POIAF)

Distance: 5.42NM Bearing: 28° 3 minutes

The highway will cut northeast across the open valley before entering another valley along with the railway and river

Field(POIAF) to Trans Canada Highway(POIAG)

Distance: 8.84NM Bearing: 51° 4 minutes

The highway will pass the town of Field, and be dwarfed by the peaks of Mount Burgess, Mount Field and Mount Stephen as it travels northeast

Trans Canada Highway(POIAG) to Lake Louise(POIAH)

Distance: 4NM Bearing: 109° 2 minutes

Turn to the southeast with the highway, It will be joined by the Icefields Parkway coming from the north and pass the famous hamlet of Lake Louise, with the world famous lake just to the west

Lake Louise(POIAH) to Bow River Valley(POIAI)

Distance: 24.19NM Bearing: 116° 12 minutes

Continue along the highway as it heads southeast along the Bow River valley, until the river and highway will turn east towards the town of Banff

Bow River Valley(POIAI) to Banff(POIAJ)

Distance: 4.68NM Bearing: 62° 2 minutes

Head towards the town of Banff and the small mountain behind it. To the south of the town you might see the grand Banff Springs Hotel


Distance: 2.16NM Bearing: 17° 1 minutes

Turn to the northeast from the town and back towards the Trans Canada Highway as it also turns northeast. The airstrip is just to the left of the highway

Leg 24

Flying from CYBA

Leg Distance: 35.15 Approximate time at 125kts: 17 minutes.

See leg in Skyvector

CYBA(CYBA) to Canmore(POIAK)

Distance: 14.82NM Bearing: 118° 7 minutes

From Banff, head southeast along the highway as it heads through the town of Canmore before turning east

Canmore(POIAK) to Morley(POIAL)

Distance: 11.93NM Bearing: 48° 6 minutes

Stay with the highway as it heads east, then northeast where you will emerge from the mountains and onto the great plains of Alberta

Morley(POIAL) to CKY8(CKY8)

Distance: 8.4NM Bearing: 46° 4 minutes

As the road straightens out, start following the river to its left. The river will lead to waters of Ghost Lake, which has an airfield half way along on its north side

Leg 25

Flying from CKY8

Leg Distance: 29.53 Approximate time at 125kts: 14 minutes.

See leg in Skyvector

CKY8(CKY8) to Cochrane(POIAM)

Distance: 10.39NM Bearing: 78° 5 minutes

After takeoff, head east and follow the Bow River as it heads towards the built up area of Cochrane

Cochrane(POIAM) to Crowchild Trail NW(POIAN)

Distance: 10.98NM Bearing: 98° 5 minutes

Leave the river at Cochrane and follow the highway running east. It will turn gradually to the southeast and become a dual carriageway. Just after it enters the outer suburbs of Calgary it will meet a large freeway interchange

Crowchild Trail NW(POIAN) to CYYC(CYYC)

Distance: 8.16NM Bearing: 82° 4 minutes

Head directly east from the interchange and you will pass over the northern suburbs of Calgary before the destination airport

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