World Tour 050-Cartwright to Cape Dyer – Canada

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Welcome to stage 50 of the world tour! This is the last stage in North America before the arduous Atlantic crossing to Europe. Starting in Cartwright, you’ll make your way northwest along the Labrador coast before cutting west across the Labrador Peninsula and across the southern end of the 100 mile wide Ungava Bay. You’ll then head north to cross Hudson Strait to Baffin Island, the fifth largest island in the world. Making your way northeast to the eastern edge of this spectacular island, the tundra landscape will gain intensity as you head north to the Baffin Mountains and the Arctic Circle, where glaciers, fiords and the incredible peaks of Mount Odin and Mount Thor will be highlight on the way to Davis Strait, and the 200 mile crossing to Greenland

See trip in Skyvector

Total Legs: 20 Total Distance: 1300 Total Time(125kts): 10 hours 24 minutes

Leg 1

Flying from CYCA

Leg Distance: 60.35 Approximate time at 125kts: 29 minutes.

See leg in Skyvector

CYCA(CYCA) to Sandwich Bay(POI1)

Distance: 4.35NM Bearing: 339° 2 minutes

After takeoff, fly northwest over the two islands at the mouth of Sandwich Bay

Sandwich Bay(POI1) to North River(POI2)

Distance: 7.7NM Bearing: 330° 4 minutes

When you reach the other side of the bay, continue northwest over some scattered hills until you reach the North River

North River(POI2) to North River(POI3)

Distance: 15.4NM Bearing: 309° 7 minutes

Follow the river northwest

North River(POI3) to Gnat Mountain(POI4)

Distance: 20.56NM Bearing: 334° 10 minutes

When the river turns away to the southwest, continue northwest towards the tall mountain peak in the distance, which is on a peninsula to the north of a long inlet named The Backway

Gnat Mountain(POI4) to CCZ2(CCZ2)

Distance: 12.34NM Bearing: 298° 6 minutes

As you near the mountain, head west along the peninsula, then cross the narrow strait to the small town of Rigolet. The airport is on the western side of the town

Leg 2

Flying from CCZ2

Leg Distance: 73.12 Approximate time at 125kts: 35 minutes.

See leg in Skyvector

CCZ2(CCZ2) to Tom Luscombe Pond(POI5)

Distance: 15.58NM Bearing: 11° 7 minutes

After takeoff, head north across the channel, then continue north until you reach a large lake

Tom Luscombe Pond(POI5) to Lake Michael(POI6)

Distance: 9.57NM Bearing: 21° 5 minutes

Keep heading north towards the distant mountains to another large lake

Lake Michael(POI6) to Big River(POI7)

Distance: 25.31NM Bearing: 314° 12 minutes

Head northwest from the lake across the coastal tundra landscape, where you will cross several river valleys running north into the bay

Big River(POI7) to Kaipokok Bay(POI8)

Distance: 20.77NM Bearing: 315° 10 minutes

Continue northwest until you reach Kaipokok Bay. Across the bay from a lone mountain (Post Hill) is the small town of Postville

Kaipokok Bay(POI8) to CCD4(CCD4)

Distance: 1.89NM Bearing: 290° 1 minutes

Head west to the airport on the western edge of the town

Leg 3

Flying from CCD4

Leg Distance: 36.98 Approximate time at 125kts: 18 minutes.

See leg in Skyvector

CCD4(CCD4) to Bay of Islands(POI9)

Distance: 14.82NM Bearing: 359° 7 minutes

After takeoff, fly north to reach the western end of the Bay of Islands

Bay of Islands(POI9) to Anniowaktook Island(POI10)

Distance: 19.33NM Bearing: 359° 9 minutes

Continue north as the bays open out and you are flying over more open water dotted with islands. You should be heading for the almost circular Anniowaktook Island

Anniowaktook Island(POI10) to CYHO(CYHO)

Distance: 2.83NM Bearing: 301° 1 minutes

Just west of Anniowaktook Island is the small town of Hopedale, with the airport just south of the town

Leg 4

Flying from CYHO

Leg Distance: 36.08 Approximate time at 125kts: 17 minutes.

See leg in Skyvector

CYHO(CYHO) to Big Bay(POI11)

Distance: 17.29NM Bearing: 349° 8 minutes

Fly north until you reach the centre of a large peninsula which protrudes northeast into the sea

Big Bay(POI11) to Davis Inlet(POI12)

Distance: 14.17NM Bearing: 334° 7 minutes

Fly northwest over a couple of large bays to the more narrow Davis Inlet, on the south side of Ukasiksalik Island

Davis Inlet(POI12) to CCB4(CCB4)

Distance: 4.62NM Bearing: 323° 2 minutes

Heading for the narrow bay on the western side of the island will line you up for Davis Inlet Airport just across the channel

Leg 5

Flying from CCB4

Leg Distance: 49.78 Approximate time at 125kts: 24 minutes.

See leg in Skyvector

CCB4(CCB4) to Kidlektaluk Island(POI13)

Distance: 28.46NM Bearing: 334° 14 minutes

After takeoff, fly northwest over an endless landscape of islands and bays until you reach Kidlektaluk Island, a small island dominated by a 600 foot mountain ridge

Kidlektaluk Island(POI13) to Kauk Bay(POI14)

Distance: 17.37NM Bearing: 359° 8 minutes

Fly north over some small islands, then a large island to reach the south side of a long peninsula, a few miles south of the town of Nain

Kauk Bay(POI14) to CYDP(CYDP)

Distance: 3.95NM Bearing: 44° 2 minutes

Head northeast to the airstrip running next to the shore on the north side of the town

Leg 6

Flying from CYDP

Leg Distance: 41.45 Approximate time at 125kts: 20 minutes.

See leg in Skyvector

CYDP(CYDP) to Port Manvers Run(POI15)

Distance: 14.16NM Bearing: 23° 7 minutes

After takeoff, fly north to the entrance of Manvers Run, a narrow channel leading northeast through the mountains

Port Manvers Run(POI15) to Port Manvers(POI16)

Distance: 11.29NM Bearing: 44° 5 minutes

Follow the channel northeast where it will widen into Port Manvers

Port Manvers(POI16) to Village Bay(POI17)

Distance: 6.51NM Bearing: 90° 3 minutes

Follow the bay east, passing Mount Thoresby to the south and the Kiglapait Mountains to the north

Village Bay(POI17) to Cape Kiglapait(POI18)

Distance: 6.3NM Bearing: 14° 3 minutes

Follow the coast around to the north

Cape Kiglapait(POI18) to CC1K(CC1K)

Distance: 3.19NM Bearing: 334° 2 minutes

As you follow the coast around to the northwest, look for the landing area on the higher ground at the base of the Kiglapait Mountains, a few miles northwest from a small beach

Leg 7

Flying from CC1K

Leg Distance: 81.31 Approximate time at 125kts: 39 minutes.

See leg in Skyvector

CC1K(CC1K) to Kikiktaksoak Island(POI19)

Distance: 8.06NM Bearing: 6° 4 minutes

After takeoff, fly north over the nearby islands

Kikiktaksoak Island(POI19) to Iglusuaktalialuk Island(POI20)

Distance: 8.36NM Bearing: 325° 4 minutes

From the second island, head northwest over a larger island nearby

Iglusuaktalialuk Island(POI20) to Ivjogiktok Island(POI21)

Distance: 12.87NM Bearing: 328° 6 minutes

Continue northwest along a narrow channel to a small island at the entrance to Okak Bay

Ivjogiktok Island(POI21) to Ikkerasak Strait(POI22)

Distance: 23.76NM Bearing: 34° 11 minutes

Fly northeast over the beautiful landscape of Okak and Mugford Bays before passing through the narrow strait between the mountains to reach the coast

Ikkerasak Strait(POI22) to Finger Hill Island(POI23)

Distance: 14.49NM Bearing: 329° 7 minutes

Follow the coastal mountains northwest to the mountainous Finger Hill Island

Finger Hill Island(POI23) to Napaktok Bay(POI24)

Distance: 10.85NM Bearing: 282° 5 minutes

When you pass over the island, follow Napaktok Bay west

Napaktok Bay(POI24) to CC1N(CC1N)

Distance: 2.92NM Bearing: 244° 1 minutes

As the bay turns southwest, look for the landing area next to the southern shore

Leg 8

Flying from CC1N

Leg Distance: 34.19 Approximate time at 125kts: 16 minutes.

See leg in Skyvector

CC1N(CC1N) to Hebron Fiord(POI25)

Distance: 14.04NM Bearing: 7° 7 minutes

After takeoff, head north towards Mount Johannes, which is on the north side of Hebron Fiord

Hebron Fiord(POI25) to Jerusalem Harbour(POI26)

Distance: 6.43NM Bearing: 54° 3 minutes

From Mount Johannes, fly northeast to the coast along the lake filled valley

Jerusalem Harbour(POI26) to Saglek(POI27)

Distance: 11.48NM Bearing: 25° 6 minutes

Follow the coast northeast towards the rocky peninsula

Saglek(POI27) to CYSV(CYSV)

Distance: 2.24NM Bearing: 334° 1 minutes

Look for Saglek Airport, on the lowlands south of the peninsula's mountains

Leg 9

Flying from CYSV

Leg Distance: 58.39 Approximate time at 125kts: 28 minutes.

See leg in Skyvector

CYSV(CYSV) to Saglek Bay(POI28)

Distance: 2.93NM Bearing: 334° 1 minutes

Head northwest after takeoff (runway heading) over Saglek Bay

Saglek Bay(POI28) to Saglek Fiord(POI29)

Distance: 10.95NM Bearing: 285° 5 minutes

Fly west along the bay to the entrance of Saglek Fiord

Saglek Fiord(POI29) to Saglek Fiord(POI30)

Distance: 7.61NM Bearing: 286° 4 minutes

Fly west along the fiord until you reach the first fork

Saglek Fiord(POI30) to West Arm(POI31)

Distance: 4.32NM Bearing: 313° 2 minutes

Take the right fork and follow the West Arm of the fiord northwest

West Arm(POI31) to North Arm(POI32)

Distance: 3.77NM Bearing: 4° 2 minutes

Turn right again at the next fork, and follow the North Arm of the fiord north

North Arm(POI32) to North Arm(POI33)

Distance: 2.27NM Bearing: 330° 1 minutes

Follow the valley as it turns northwest to the next fork

North Arm(POI33) to North Arm(POI34)

Distance: 3.85NM Bearing: 298° 2 minutes

Take the left fork and follow the valley west

North Arm(POI34) to Nakvak Lake(POI35)

Distance: 4.21NM Bearing: 345° 2 minutes

Keep following the valley as it turns northwest and widens towards Nakvak Lake

Nakvak Lake(POI35) to Nakvak Brook(POI36)

Distance: 11.12NM Bearing: 280° 5 minutes

Follow the lake and the river west along the wide valley

Nakvak Brook(POI36) to CC1R(CC1R)

Distance: 7.36NM Bearing: 289° 4 minutes

The valley will lead west to a junction of two other valleys where the Koroc River runs from the north and heads west. Just after the junction, on the north side of the river is a small grass landing area

Leg 10

Flying from CC1R

Leg Distance: 57.2 Approximate time at 125kts: 27 minutes.

See leg in Skyvector

CC1R(CC1R) to Koroc River(POI37)

Distance: 24.46NM Bearing: 291° 12 minutes

After takeoff, follow the river valley west

Koroc River(POI37) to Koroc River(POI38)

Distance: 10.18NM Bearing: 312° 5 minutes

Stay with the river as it turns northwest

Koroc River(POI38) to Riviere Barnoin(POI39)

Distance: 7.14NM Bearing: 309° 3 minutes

As the river turns north, continue northwest out of the valley and across the mountains to the Barnoin River

Riviere Barnoin(POI39) to Riviere George(POI40)

Distance: 9.74NM Bearing: 269° 5 minutes

From the river, head west across more hills to reach the George River Estuary

Riviere George(POI40) to CYLU(CYLU)

Distance: 5.68NM Bearing: 354° 3 minutes

Follow the eastern bank of the river north to the Inuit village of Kangiqsualujjuaq. The airport is northwest from the village

Leg 11

Flying from CYLU

Leg Distance: 86.08 Approximate time at 125kts: 41 minutes.

See leg in Skyvector

CYLU(CYLU) to Ungava Bay(POI41)

Distance: 21.58NM Bearing: 269° 10 minutes

After takeoff, fly west across the river and the peninsula beyond to reach Ungava Bay

Ungava Bay(POI41) to Ile Qikirtajuaq(POI42)

Distance: 34.44NM Bearing: 265° 17 minutes

Keep flying west along the southern end of the bay to Qikirtajuaq Island

Ile Qikirtajuaq(POI42) to Riviere Koksoak(POI43)

Distance: 23.93NM Bearing: 270° 11 minutes

Heading west from the island, keep flying over two flat peninsulas on the way to the Koksoak River

Riviere Koksoak(POI43) to CYVP(CYVP)

Distance: 6.13NM Bearing: 244° 3 minutes

Follow the river south, and on the western bank is the town of Kuujjuaq, the largest northern village in the Nunavik region of Quebec. The airport is on the town's southwestern edge

Leg 12

Flying from CYVP

Leg Distance: 58.86 Approximate time at 125kts: 28 minutes.

See leg in Skyvector

CYVP(CYVP) to Baie Seche(POI44)

Distance: 52.2NM Bearing: 329° 25 minutes

After takeoff, fly northwest on the long overland journey to Sèche Bay, which marks the southern extent of the Feuilles Passage

Baie Seche(POI44) to CYTQ(CYTQ)

Distance: 6.66NM Bearing: 313° 3 minutes

Head northwest across the bay to Tasiujaq Airport, which lies a few miles west of the bay next to the Berard River, and south of the town of Tasiujaq

Leg 13

Flying from CYTQ

Leg Distance: 41.83 Approximate time at 125kts: 20 minutes.

See leg in Skyvector

CYTQ(CYTQ) to Lac aux Feuilles(POI45)

Distance: 7.08NM Bearing: 55° 3 minutes

After takeoff, fly northeast over the town on the way to the rocky island in nearby Lake Feuilles

Lac aux Feuilles(POI45) to Baie aux Baleines(POI46)

Distance: 6.5NM Bearing: 41° 3 minutes

Continue northeast across the lake to the entrance of Baleines Bay

Baie aux Baleines(POI46) to Baie aux Baleines(POI47)

Distance: 11.55NM Bearing: 5° 6 minutes

Head north to the northern tip of the bay

Baie aux Baleines(POI47) to Kativik(POI48)

Distance: 4.25NM Bearing: 61° 2 minutes

From the north end of the bay, fly northeast over two large lakes

Kativik(POI48) to Kativik(POI49)

Distance: 7.23NM Bearing: 45° 3 minutes

Continue northeast over another series of lakes, to the river that leads from the northeastern end

Kativik(POI49) to CYLA(CYLA)

Distance: 5.22NM Bearing: 46° 3 minutes

Follow the river north, then northeast towards the town of Aupaluk. The airport is next to the town

Leg 14

Flying from CYLA

Leg Distance: 46.85 Approximate time at 125kts: 22 minutes.

See leg in Skyvector

CYLA(CYLA) to Baie False(POI50)

Distance: 14.73NM Bearing: 10° 7 minutes

Fly north over the bay and follow the coast north to another bay

Baie False(POI50) to Riviere Lefroy(POI51)

Distance: 10.24NM Bearing: 351° 5 minutes

At the northern end of the bay where the coast runs to the northeast, fly north, inland to a group of lakes near the Lefroy River

Riviere Lefroy(POI51) to Riviere Brochant(POI52)

Distance: 9.77NM Bearing: 358° 5 minutes

Continue north across the tundra landscape to cross the Brochant River

Riviere Brochant(POI52) to Bassin Payne(POI53)

Distance: 8.63NM Bearing: 30° 4 minutes

Head northeast to the group of rocky islands near the southern shore of a long coastal inlet

Bassin Payne(POI53) to CYAS(CYAS)

Distance: 3.48NM Bearing: 354° 2 minutes

Fly north across the channel to the town of Kangirsuk on the north shore. The airport is on higher ground northeast of the town

Leg 15

Flying from CYAS

Leg Distance: 63.25 Approximate time at 125kts: 30 minutes.

See leg in Skyvector

CYAS(CYAS) to Baie De Roziere(POI54)

Distance: 30.05NM Bearing: 32° 14 minutes

After takeoff, fly northeast over the barren landscape until you reach Rozière Bay, which lies on the western side of the much larger Ungava Bay

Baie De Roziere(POI54) to Baie Kakkiniup Kuungata(POI55)

Distance: 10.89NM Bearing: 41° 5 minutes

Cut across land northeast to another bay, where the coastline turns away to the east

Baie Kakkiniup Kuungata(POI55) to Baie Diana(POI56)

Distance: 11.3NM Bearing: 19° 5 minutes

Fly north across another stretch of tundra to reach the southern edge of Diana Bay, which opens north to the Hudson Strait

Baie Diana(POI56) to Quaqtaq(POI57)

Distance: 9.96NM Bearing: 30° 5 minutes

Follow the eastern shore of the bay north to the village of Quaqtaq a couple of miles from the northern end of the peninsula

Quaqtaq(POI57) to CYHA(CYHA)

Distance: 1.05NM Bearing: 98° 1 minutes

The airport is on the eastern edge of the town

Leg 16

Flying from CYHA

Leg Distance: 118.24 Approximate time at 125kts: 57 minutes.

See leg in Skyvector

CYHA(CYHA) to Big Island(POI58)

Distance: 91.56NM Bearing: 8° 44 minutes

After takeoff, fly north on the 90 mile crossing of the Hudson Strait to reach the aptly named Big Island, in the largest and most northerly territory of Canada, Nunavut

Big Island(POI58) to Big Island(POI59)

Distance: 8.92NM Bearing: 44° 4 minutes

Fly northeast to the other side of the island

Big Island(POI59) to Baffin Island(POI60)

Distance: 11.51NM Bearing: 78° 6 minutes

Fly east over White Strait to reach Pleasant Inlet, which leads north into Baffin Island, the fifth largest island in the world

Baffin Island(POI60) to Glasgow Bay(POI61)

Distance: 3.46NM Bearing: 79° 2 minutes

Continue east over the lake filled landscape to reach another large inlet, Glasgow Bay

Glasgow Bay(POI61) to CYLC(CYLC)

Distance: 2.79NM Bearing: 2° 1 minutes

Follow the bay north to the small town of Kimmirut, and the airport next to the town

Leg 17

Flying from CYLC

Leg Distance: 65.24 Approximate time at 125kts: 31 minutes.

See leg in Skyvector

CYLC(CYLC) to Frobisher Bay(POI62)

Distance: 53.1NM Bearing: 57° 25 minutes

After takeoff, fly northeast over the tundra to reach Frobisher Bay

Frobisher Bay(POI62) to CYFB(CYFB)

Distance: 12.14NM Bearing: 52° 6 minutes

Continue northeast to the other side of the bay, and the city of Iqaluit, which is the capital of Nunavut and has a population of just over 7000 people

Leg 18

Flying from CYFB

Leg Distance: 87.51 Approximate time at 125kts: 42 minutes.

See leg in Skyvector

CYFB(CYFB) to Unnamed Lake(POI63)

Distance: 30.09NM Bearing: 58° 14 minutes

After takeoff, head northeast towards a long, narrow lake

Unnamed Lake(POI63) to Unnamed Lake(POI64)

Distance: 8.5NM Bearing: 43° 4 minutes

Fly northeast to another large lake

Unnamed Lake(POI64) to Robert Peel Inlet(POI65)

Distance: 44.48NM Bearing: 48° 21 minutes

Continue northeast across the tundra. As you near the rocky coastline you will reach a small fjord like valley leading north

Robert Peel Inlet(POI65) to CC1P(CC1P)

Distance: 4.44NM Bearing: 29° 2 minutes

Follow the valley north to the large sandbank on the left side, which will provide a suitable landing area

Leg 19

Flying from CC1P

Leg Distance: 78.51 Approximate time at 125kts: 38 minutes.

See leg in Skyvector

CC1P(CC1P) to Robert Peel Inlet(POI66)

Distance: 5.28NM Bearing: 87° 3 minutes

After takeoff, follow the valley east to reach the main body of the Robert Peel Inlet

Robert Peel Inlet(POI66) to Cumberland Sound(POI67)

Distance: 17.3NM Bearing: 42° 8 minutes

Head northeast alongside the series of coastal islands to reach the open water of the Cumberland Sound

Cumberland Sound(POI67) to Panniqtuup Paanga(POI68)

Distance: 44.75NM Bearing: 57° 21 minutes

Fly northeast across the sound to the large shelf of relatively flat land between the entrances of two fjords

Panniqtuup Paanga(POI68) to Panniqtuup Paanga(POI69)

Distance: 5.7NM Bearing: 359° 3 minutes

Fly north to the fjord entrance

Panniqtuup Paanga(POI69) to CYXP(CYXP)

Distance: 5.48NM Bearing: 86° 3 minutes

Head east along the fjord to the airport on the southern shore which serves the town of Pangnirtung

Leg 20

Flying from CYXP

Leg Distance: 124.87 Approximate time at 125kts: 60 minutes.

See leg in Skyvector

CYXP(CYXP) to Pangnirtung Fjord(POI70)

Distance: 15.44NM Bearing: 47° 7 minutes

Fly northeast along the fjord, one of many in this region of Baffin Island

Pangnirtung Fjord(POI70) to Weasel River(POI71)

Distance: 6.66NM Bearing: 23° 3 minutes

Continue northeast along the fjord, as it narrows into Weasel River

Weasel River(POI71) to Mount Thor(POI72)

Distance: 3.8NM Bearing: 89° 2 minutes

The valley will turn east and pass between the imposing peaks of Mount Odin and Mount Thor

Mount Thor(POI72) to Glacier Lake(POI73)

Distance: 12.61NM Bearing: 63° 6 minutes

The valley will turn back to the northeast, where a series of glaciers enter from both sides and run into Glacier Lake, which runs along the valley

Glacier Lake(POI73) to Mt Battle(POI74)

Distance: 8.54NM Bearing: 95° 4 minutes

From the north end of the lake, follow the valley east

Mt Battle(POI74) to Padle Fjord(POI75)

Distance: 20.26NM Bearing: 106° 10 minutes

When the valley turns away to the north, fly east over higher ground and out of the valley across to land that gently slopes down to the end of another fjord

Padle Fjord(POI75) to Southwind Fjord(POI76)

Distance: 37.14NM Bearing: 123° 18 minutes

Follow the fjord as it runs briefly southeast, then continue southeast, crossing over three more fjords

Southwind Fjord(POI76) to Sunneshine Fjord(POI77)

Distance: 9.93NM Bearing: 149° 5 minutes

From the southern end of the third fjord, fly southeast over a glacier field to reach Sunneshine Fjord, which leads to the coast

Sunneshine Fjord(POI77) to CYVN(CYVN)

Distance: 10.49NM Bearing: 142° 5 minutes

Follow the eastern shore of the fjord around to Cape Dyer airport, which lies on higher ground a mile east of the shore, and is the destination for this stage

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